Writing effective task topics for DITA

Posted on January 4, 2011


DITAlogoFrom the Silicon Valley DITA interest group, read a discussion on writing effective task topics in DITA is no simple undertaking. This is by technical editors and architects at IBM. This is a tools independent discussion with a focus on authoring techniques. This provides some insight into strategies used to author tasks, a topic type, in a DITA environment.

Also, see the link for a short discussion on super tasks, tasks that consist of many subtasks.

Only describe one way to do something.

Show them what’s next. Don’t strand the user.

If a task has more than nine steps, consider removing steps, combining steps for logic and flow, or dividing the task into two or more separate task topics.

If you’ve been considering or expect to work with DITA for 2011, this is a preview of what its like to author in DITA. Finally, take a look at a DITA task topic, when it is published in one of the many publicly available information centers.